Smiths of Drogheda - RSA approved CVRT test Centre for light Commercials

We are approved by the RSA as a CVRT Test Centre for Light Commercial Vehicles

The current Test Fee is €111.16.

Take advantage of the fantastic experience on offer through our CVRT Testing Team, starting with Senior CVRT Tester Paul Caffrey. Paul has been carrying out CVRT tests for over 10 years. 

Remember: You will need to bring photographic I.D. with you (Drivers Licence or Passport)

This can be booked through our Service Department on 041 983 1106, you could request a call back or you're welcome to visit our CVRT testing facility in Drogheda.

PLUS: Our testing centre is now open from 8AM, making it even easier and more convenient to have your CRVT testing carried out at Smiths of Drogheda.


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